2022 Annual Report
Amidst the challenges and triumphs of the past year, our community has shown remarkable resilience and unity. The 2022 San Joaquin Community Foundation's annual report is a testament to theSan Joaquin Community Foundation and Edge Collaborative Partner in Grant Award of $7.55 Million for Inclusive Economy Initiative in Stockton
SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION AND EDGE COLLABORATIVE PARTNER IN $7.55 MILLION INCLUSIVE ECONOMY INITIATIVE IN STOCKTON The partnership will increase support for local, community-driven initiatives and continue to catalyze inclusive economicPlanning Begins for $15 Million Aquatic Center Along the Delta in Stockton
A 2.5 million investment from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy will help bring a new public aquatic center to Stockton.Conservancy Board approves $2.5M for Delta Aquatic Center of Stockton – Award made as part of Climate, Access, and Resource (CAR) funding from the state
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Board on Wednesday approved a new multimillion-dollar planning project that aims to bring a world-class water sports facility to the city of Stockton, bolstering recreation
2021 Annual Report
A growing understanding of the barriers that prevent brighter futures in San Joaquin County has prompted our Board of Directors to adopt a new strategic vision.
Black Urban Famers Association
Support from the Sozosei Foundation Community Fund is enabling the organization to provide fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables to our African American communities in Stockton.
Mexican Heritage Center & Gallery – After School Art Program
Thanks to the support we received from the Sozoei Foundation Community Fund, we have been able to provide a free after school art instruction program for students in grades 3
Little Manila Rising – DAWN Program
The funds received from the Brian M. Stocker Fund allowed the organization to double our youth-led efforts by contracting two additional youth to run training workshops and social media campaigns