Delta Housing Affordability Fund
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Recognizing the need to provide support to first-time homebuyers, the Housing Affordability Fund, by partnership with Delta Association of REALTORS and San Joaquin Community Foundation have partnered to provide closing cost assistance up to $5,000.
All available funds have been fully allocated. We are no longer accepting applications at this time.
Delta Housing Affordability Fund
A Program Providing a Pathway to Homeownership
Program Highlights and Qualifying Criteria
The Delta Housing Affordability Fund, in partnership with San Joaquin Community Foundation and California Association of Realtors Housing Affordability Fund (HAF), join forces to bridge the gap in homeownership to first-time homebuyers in Contra Costa and San Joaquin Counties with a Pathway to Homeownership Closing Cost Assistance Grant Program. The grant program was implemented to help low-to-moderate homebuyers by providing up to $5,000 in closing cost assistance related to their home purchase.
This grant program will remain active as long as funding is available. Give Now to be a part of a program that helps people to own a home in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties.
All available funds have been fully allocated. We are no longer accepting applications at this time.
A first-time homebuyer may receive up to $5,000 toward non-recurring closing costs. Applicants on loan must be first-time homebuyers; has not held any ownership interest in any real property in any location during the past three (3) years. There is no repayment of grant if all program requirements have been met and all applicants sign and adhere to Delta HAF Statement of Compliance.
Household income must be 120% or less of Area Median Income (AMI). Income must meet or be below AMI for the place of purchase in Contra Costa and/or San Joaquin County and recipient cannot have more than $20,000 in savings after the property purchase. Median FICO score 640 or higher. Current 2023 AMI for eligible counties are as follows: Contra Costa $147,900; San Joaquin $100,300.
Borrower(s) cannot put down more than 5% of the purchase price.
Must be an Owner-Occupied Single-Family Residence. In addition to the property being a Single-Family Residence with no affordable housing deed restrictions, the home must be purchased using a preferred lender and by way of government (FHA/VA) or conventional GSE financing. Purchase property must be in Contra Costa or San Joaquin County. Property types include: Single-Family Residences, Manufactured homes on permanent foundation sold with real property, townhome, PUDs and/or individual condominium units, duplex, tri-plex or 4-plex within FHA-approved guidelines.
Homebuyer Education & CA REALTOR Represented. Purchaser must attend and receive certification of Homebuyer & Financial Counseling by a HUD-Approved Counselor, and must purchase the property from an active California Association Realtor. Recipient must occupy home within (60) days of escrow for a minimum of (1) year.
All available funds have been fully allocated. We are no longer accepting applications at this time

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Restrictions Apply
- Realtors, Directors, officers and employees of CAR, NPHS and each respective subsidiaries and affiliates, and members of their families (spouse, children, parents and siblings) are note eligible.
- Grantee must I’ve reasonable consideration to a grant application from a client of a California Realtor if the client meets the program criteria.
- Funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis with a fully accepted purchase contract.
Contact Information
For questions about the program and/or grant application, contact George Lorente at (209) 943-2375 or by email at GLorente@sanjoaquincf.org.